The Expat Identity (wersja oryginalna – eng)

“Stop pretending, you are Polish anyway” – I was told during my conversation with an old high school friend at a reunion meeting in Poland. We were talking, and the first thought which came to my mind was in English. In such situations a Polish equivalent of the same thought comes in a flash, but not always – sometimes it is delayed, and that makes you hesitate or look for words, mumbling incoherently in your first tongue. In the country producing large-scale emigration for hundreds of years, such hesitation is quite often considered as a sign of betrayal. Despite all the knowledge gathered by crossing cultures researchers and explorers, the Polish are still being taught in school that once you are born in their land, carrying your Polish culture within yourself through the rest of your life is a holy and irrevocable duty. But at the same time there has always been a number of people holding a much broader point of view in this country, who have developed their own ways of independent thinking and can listen. My problem is that I am still learning how to recognize them, as they are a minority.


When I set foot back on Polish land after a number of years spent in the United States I knew that something was different, but I expected to overcome that shortly. I was wrong. I was “soaked” as my psychologist friend said, in a different culture. So I could easily understand Polish words spoken around me, but my mind kept bringing up non-Polish images and ideas. That in turn made me have different reactions and a different body language. That was enough to be perceived as different. Thus I was a stranger, living in a foreign culture, communicating in its language in a somewhat different manner. Yes, there was the language, but the melody was different: the sound of it differed from the original. After all, American English is mostly produced down in the throat, while Polish sounds are made at the teeth. For the same reason it always takes time for both nations to learn to pronounce the other language properly. Their listening and speaking systems work on different frequencies.

My first experience with Polish language schools was not as welcoming or friendly as you might expect regarding my background in a country which has made huge steps in adopting the Western economic system, but taken from a social and cultural point of view is still in a stage of transition. Young Poles dominating all business areas are under constant specific pressure: on the one hand they feel the opportunity given them by their age, as middle aged workers are simply discriminated against on a massive scale (Poland ranks in the highest unemployment numbers of people over 50 years old in Europe), but for the same reason they feel unsecure as their interior clock is ticking fast and the future may look unclear. Most of them feel that either they make it fast or never. For the same reason some of my first contacts with English school owners in Poland were unprofessional and unpleasant, as many of them had not enough skills to verify my English, so they would switch quickly into Polish, prioritizing their own self confidence over the results of the verification process. But after some time I found a well- managed, certified school with a high level of professionalism and I have been working with them since then.

A Cultural Melody

Has it ever happened to you that you heard someone talking in the distance and you thought they were talking in your language, even though it was too far away to understand any words? It is normal. Each language and dialect has a certain set of commonly used sounds. We are born with them and grow up with them. Around the age of 9 this process is mostly completed which is why most people switching into a different culture after that age may always carry a more or less different accent. It is proven though that some of them may adapt almost perfectly to the sound of the new language at a much later age, and it is no coincidence that many of those who can are former or active musicians. That is why I call it ‘melody’, as this is mostly related to hearing.

One of the major problems learning language in the EFL system (learning a foreign language but living in a country where the taught language is not spoken) is that you are not exposed to the variety of sounds and dialects. In your original language you receive a whole bunch of additional information besides the content of spoken words, i.e. some idea about the origin of the speaker, their position in society, education, background and many other features involved in communication. You may learn some of it abroad but the whole process is so incredibly slow that your lifetime may not be sufficient to make significant progress.

Recognizing dialects in your second language is, in my opinion, a crossing point of assimilating a second culture.  Your own spoken sound system needs to adapt to a new melody and create new connections in your brain, responsible for more detailed hearing of the second language frequency. As this process is again related to hearing, musicians and people with better than average hearing skills may succeed in this area much faster than others. But for some people, even those living abroad but having regular daily contact with their native tongue the whole process may be lengthy or never completed. Another factor here is age, as our adapting abilities reduce with aging.

This well-known process is not necessarily recognized officially. In Poland many public announcements in English are not recorded or verified by native speakers, which often results in pronunciation, colloquial and spelling errors. As language education depends heavily on repetition, such communications disturb the overall educational process, e.g. on the Warsaw subway, where daily commuters listen to incorrectly pronounced English messages many times a day.

Cultural melody can be lost. Regardless of my efforts to keep my native tongue active, living and working in a fully English-dominated environment for a long time took many elements out of my Polish. For the first few years in Poland I was recognized by many as a foreigner, despite my efforts to keep my communication at the best level. Something was different: I used correct but not the most popular expressions, my body language was different. Although my fluency is unquestionable, the sharpness of my Polish has gone down. When I speak and write in Polish I often need to use descriptive narration, while my Polish friends, especially journalists, may “hit the nail on the head” with just a couple words.

Music and Art

Another proof of losing the cultural melody lies in the area of the arts. I rarely listen to Polish music as it gives me little emotional value. My favorite New York radio station, NPR, is on every day, streaming over the Internet and I cannot imagine that I could survive without having it in my daily life. American music makes my memories alive, is full of colors and makes me emotional, while the Polish one sounds like something known a long time ago but not creating any ties to it. For the same reasons, although I enjoy reading some Polish books, most of my reading of the news, magazines, books and the Internet is still being done in English.

This process of catching cultural sounds starts so early and is so intense that even after a relatively short time living in Spain (less than one year), while driving back across Europe I was struck by a somewhat different cultural melody on my car radio around the Barcelona area. Despite the fact that my Spanish was very basic, my brain could catch the different melody of Catalonian in comparison to the Spanish used in the Cartagena area, where we had lived.

For these reasons I strongly believe that our languages teaching misses one important factor, i.e. teaching language melody. This could be done by practicing sets of words which don’t need to carry any meaning, just like the sets of verbal exercises designed for actors targeted on words carrying specific sounds.

A New Perspective

After all these years of living in two different cultural worlds, I often recall the quotes made by Mark Twain and value their wisdom.  Crossing cultures is the most effective way to prevent bigotry and prejudice simply because you look at your grown-up beliefs from a different angle. I don’t believe any more in the superiority of certain talents of my Polish folks, the same as I don’t believe that Americans are more gifted than others. From my perspective you can easily see in which areas one culture creates a better environment for development and creativity than the other one and vice versa. I can make a comparison, available to this extent only to an explorer of different cultures but not to one homogenous culture member. And this is the greatest reward of the process of crossing cultures.

Having this knowledge does not necessarily mean that it can be largely exploited, as different people have their own different way of listening and learning.  Those which listen better and learn faster create better conditions for growth and prosperity. Those which prefer to stick to their own beliefs usually stay behind and follow the others. So in a nutshell knowledge is not a problem but you need people who want to listen.

Patriotism may be just a stage of human development which could get lost during the progress of human mentality, but what is more important – losing it may be largely beneficial for the whole human society. If this is a future direction for humans, we cross cultural explorers are simply at the frontier of a new trend and stage of civilization, just like first followers of Copernicus’ theory, which was highly politically incorrect at that time, but eventually moved the whole world into a new stage of development, which benefited us all.

It is significant that culture-crossing explorers always appreciate the gained experience, despite the fact that losing some ties with their origin causes them the discomfort of hanging between cultures and not fully belonging to any.  The same effect has applied to any new idea which pushed humanity in our history – losing the comfort of traditional beliefs always causes some pain, but there have always been people who dare to take this challenge. This is a spirit of our evolution.

The final conclusion? A global mind is a mindset which is not largely popularized at the moment, as global politics still rely on traditional beliefs, but it may be the way to grow into a new, more tolerant and open-minded society. And, like any other knowledge, it can be explored, developed, taught and grown.

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15 Odpowiedź na “The Expat Identity (wersja oryginalna – eng)”

  1. To używanie formul opisowych zamiast kilku buzz words jest charakterystyczne dla ludzi nie uczestniczących w języku na co dzień. Reakcje i odruchy są może Malo naturalne ale do pewnego stopnia można powiedzieć że to dobrze nauczony cudzoziemiec mówi poprawniej bo nie używa skrótów myslowych i innych nieprecyzyjnych wyrażeń które krajanie kapują choć w zasadzie nie powinni. Też mam nadzieję że patriotyzm zaniknie. To absurd uważać przypadek urodzenia tu czy tam za równie czy podobnie ważny jak to co reprezentuje sobą jednostka

    1. Polska, podobnie jak Rosja produkuje nauczycieli językowych na wydziałach filologii angielskiej, co jest samo w sobie nieporozumieniem. Zachód, rozumiejąc kwestie kutlurowe najpierw uczy podstaw a potem wysyła adeptów do krajów, gdzie język jest żywy. Stąd nietrudno spotkać Amerykanina mówiącego płynnie (chociaż na poziomie niezzawansowanym) po rosyjsku lub japońsku po dwóch latach nauki. Równie łatwo spotkać Polaka dukającego wciąż po angielsku po 10 i więcej latach edukacji. To, że nikomu to nie przeszkadza dowodzi tylko jak wiele jest tutaj do zrobienia,

      1. Coś w tym jest.
        Ja miałem tego pecha (a może jednak szczęście?), że w szkołach trafiałem do klas bez języka angielskiego, więc dość mozolnie uczyłem się go samodzielnie (wspierając słuchaniem anglosaskiej muzyki popularnej).
        W połowie liceum zaprzyjaźniłem się z grupką Amerykanów przebywających w Polsce i bardzo często z nimi spędzałem czas, co dało mi szansę na zrobienie dużego postępu w języku. Poprzez nich poznawałem kolejnych (czasem zaczęli mnie nawet zatrudniać jako tłumacza jeżdżąc po Polsce).
        Po pewnym czasie zauważyłem, że niektórzy nowopoznawani Amerykanie brali mnie za swego rodaka (jeden nawet sądził, że z południa), natomiast w napotykanych magistrach anglistyki od razu rozpoznawali „tubylca”.

    2. BTW – w kwestii patriotyzmu ten tekst mi ….ocenzurowano. Napisałem, że politycy podbijają patriotyzm, przez co hamowany jest rozwój ludzkości (czy coś koło tego – mam gdzieś ten oryginał, znajdę jak będę w Polsce). Napisali mi (portal dla ekspatów !!!!), że to może być obraźliwe…. 🙂
      Jak widać zachód też może wiele się od nas nauczyć.

  2. Polska i Polacy (własciwie jezyki słowianskie) stoja na przegranej pozycji wobec germanskich jezykow. Holendrowi czy Skandynawowi o wiele łatwiej opanowac i wyłapac melodie jezyka angielskiego niz słowianskim tubylcom. Polska (i Niemcy zreszta tez) zabijaja nauke i osłuchanie z obcym jezykiem poprzez dubbing, a Polska szczegolnie poprzez najgłupszy z najgłupszych system ogladania filmow czyli czytanie dialogow przez jakiegos goscia zwanego „lektorem”. Zagłuszaja niemal kompletnie oryginalny dzwiek i to jest skandal nad skandale. I dopoki sie to nie zmieni to przecietny Polak ma marne szanse na osłuchanie sie z obcym germanskim jezykiem. Mowie o zwykłym Kowalskim.
    Rodzina jezykowa jest bardzo wazna, bo na przykład Serb przyjezdzajacy do Polski potrafi po kilku miesiacach pieknie mowic, czesto wyrazniej od „rodowitych” Polakow.
    A jesli chodzi o drugi etap znajomosci jezyka to dla mnie sie zaczyna nie od dialektow tylko gdy wsiadam do autobusu/tramwaju czy metra i rozumiem o czym mowia ludzie czy młodziez szkolna. Zwykle zabiera to 2-3 lata przebywania w danym kraju. Tego nie da sie nauczyc nawet poprzez 100 lat „chodzenia” na angielski.

    1. Angielszczyzna Holendrów i Skandynawów jakoś mnie nie powala (przynajmniej tych, z którymi miałem do czynienia).
      Jako Polacy mamy jednak tą przewagę, że większość języków (angielski w szczególności) ma prostszą gramatykę od naszej. Czyli nie potrzebujemy wspinać się na wyższy poziom abstrakcji ucząc się języków.
      Co do dialektów, to pan Krzysztof chyba miał na myśli nie tyle rozumienie (młodzież szkolna mówi wszak dialektem), tylko samo zauważanie dialektów.

      1. @Tomek /Angielszczyzna Holendrów i Skandynawów jakoś mnie nie powala/ To akurat nieprawda, jedna podróż do Skandynawii czy Holandii (bez polskiego towarzystwa) pokaże jak duża jest różnica. Zresztą są na ten temat dane (zwracam uwagę że strony te , jak często się zdarza, nie mają polskich odpowiedników):
        Gramatyka – zgadza się. Angielska gramatyka jest dużo prostsza. Wkuwanie jej na pamięć to błąd. Amerykanie na uczelnianych kursach ESL niewiele jej uczą a po roku kursu ludzie zaczynają studiować na najróżniejszych wydziałach. Tak samo wkuwanie idiomów – następny błąd. Kiedy już poznasz kulturę idiomy przyjdą same.
        Dialekty – tak, chodziło o rozróżnianie.

      2. Mówiąc że mnie nie powala miałem na myśli wymowę, o której pisał Lucyan.
        U Norwegów i Holendrów (akurat z nimi miałam trochę do czynieni) silny akcent jest wyraźnie słyszany. Ale to prawda, że niemal wszyscy są komunikatywni w angielskim.

    2. @LUCYAN – bardzo słuszne spostrzeżenie. Duża część przekazu filmowego ucieka w Polsce „z dymem” przez głupawy system dubbingowania. Jeżeli do tego dodać wszelkie kretynizmy tłumaczeniowe tytułów filmowych, które w Polsce mają długą tradycję (od tłumaczenia „Sting” poprzez „Alien” aż po „Whatever Works”), że tylko wymienię niektóre, co głupsze, to właściwie należałoby uznać tą działalność za sabotaż kulturowy. Podejrzewam też że obecne praktyki doboru lektorów nie są zbyt przejrzyste, bo wielu z nich prezentuje poziom, który w dawnych czasach, za komuny kwalifikowałby ich do tłumaczenia nielegalnych pornoli na kasetach VHS video.

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