Humanist perspective on the threats to freedom in the modern world

Join us for a panel debate in which representatives of three humanist associations from Norway, Romania and Poland will share their perspective on the threats to freedom in the modern world and discuss possible measures to respond to those threats as part of their associations’ activities. The speakers include: – Monica Belițoiu, ASUR (Romanian Secular Humanist Association), – Kaja Bryx, PSR (Polish Rationalist Association), – Arve Ofstad, HEF (Norwegian Humanist Association). Zapraszamy na debatę panelową w języku angielskim poświęconą humanistycznej perspektywie na zagrożenia dla wolności we współczesnym świecie. Naszymi panelistami będą: – Monica Belițoiu, ASUR (Rumuńskie Stowarzyszenie Świeckich Humanistów), – Kaja Bryx, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Racjonalistów, – Arve Ofstad, HEF (Norweskie Stowarzyszenie Humanistów).


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